Devlog 3: Kayla Tavares de Almeida: Spell UI and Cooldowns

For this week I worked more in depth in the spell UI and getting all the important information on screen for new players. I needed to get the spell queue on screen and show that the tokens that you use for spells were actually being used up.

So what I needed was to make those colored tokens disappear when used up, reappear off cooldown, and make the center white crosshair change it's color based off of what spells you have queued up. First day I tried getting it done it went almost perfectly. I got the Queue updating when prepping, casting, and clearing spells, but the tokens just weren't updating correctly.

After a day of struggling with it, I realized the tokens weren't updating correctly because I was only checking for it OnSpellCast. The way I fixed this was by adding another delegate to the Wizard, OnTokenUse.

This allowed me to broadcast from the staff whenever a token was flipped (used/available) and update it accordingly in the HUD. This turned on/off the visibility of each token perfectly... except.. EarthToken1... which, turned out to be because we forgot to give it a cooldown! So, it was never being set back to available, which was easily fixed!

Besides that, this week I added some more sub-menus, as well as a pause menu, and sound effects for all the buttons! Check it out by installing the game so you can see the Spell UI in action!

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