Devlog 2: Kayla Tavares de Almeida: Health and Spells

So for this week I got to actually work on formatting and coding our UI Elements such as the Main Menu, the Results Screen, and a bit more of the Player HUD. It went almost perfectly, until we got to the health. See, for the health, instead of using a component, we were using an attribute system, in order to allow for our health to be manipulated more than you could with a component. This caused issues as I was unsure how to access and use the variables, as I was new to the Attribute System formatting. I struggled through but ended up getting it setting the health at the start of the scene, but I couldn't get it to update correctly. Turns out, the OnHPChanged delegate wasn't public, and I struggled for a good 30 minutes only to realize that.

On a side note, I started getting the Spell UI working, formatting the PlayerHUD to properly fit each image. I couldn't get it functional as we don't have cooldowns yet, but it's a work in progress. Here's an update to what it looks like!

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